Hope you enjoy how we built a custom but easy swing set in our backyard over a weekend!

We had moved to our new home in town and discovered that some important pieces from our beloved patio swing seat went missing during the move. The 3-seater swing bench and the metal structure had made home but the brackets and other hardware items got lost. Our swing bench was rusty and attaching it to a new hardware won’t make justice. Throwing the perfectly fine bench was also out of question, so it was an ‘aha’ moment when hubby came up with the idea to build this rocking swing bench, monkey bar cum swing seat backyard furniture.

After getting all materials from Amazon, we started the project on a sunny saturday morning. The design was to have a horizontal wooden beam holding the leg posts at both sides. The most important design aspect was to cut the beams at an inclined angle. The angle was critical and hubby used sample wood to practice first. After the beams were put in place, we attached the swings and monkey bar and did a little bit of stress testing. The final task was to secure the posts to the ground using anchors. Yay, the project was done!!! The biggest satisfaction was that we could reuse our old swing without dumping it away.

Here are the links to some items we bought from Amazon: